Steeking Workshop

Steeking Workshop

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When: Saturday, September 28 from 9:00 - 11:00
Where: Unraveled @ 9 Wilson St. East, Perth
Cost: $40.00 


Cutting your knitting can be terrifying, but is an established technique that lets you work your project completely in the round, and then add the opening..

Come get over that fear with us and practice your colourwork at the same time by making a coffee cozy.

  • Homework: Knit the coffee cozy before the workshop begins
  • Class 1: We'll cut the steek together


Students must be comfortable with basic knitting stitches and will ideally have some experience with colourwork.

Students should have some experience knitting in the round using any method (DPNs, Flyers, 9” circular, magic loop etc.).


Students should complete the coffee cozy prior to the workshop. The pattern is Steek This Coffee Cozy and can be downloaded from Ravelry.

I recommend a full wool, non-superwash yarn for this. Lopi is a great choice.